5 interesting ideas for apps to create in 2023

Have you ever thought of how it would be to build an app? I am sure it crossed your mind several times. Maybe you did not have the specific app idea in mind but for sure you imagined yourself as an owner of one. You probably quickly gave up thinking it would be expensive and difficult to create such a piece of software. Mobile app development may have been a little bit more problematic a few years ago, but nowadays, anyone can have an app. Many people do release their apps. Do they become successful? Most often not. There are several reasons for it. Today, we would like to identify key factors you need to consider before you set out on an app creation adventure. We will also list a few good mobile app ideas that may become real hits in 2023.

Android and iOS - an ongoing quest between two well-known mobile app titans

Undoubtedly, two main platforms dictate the rules of the game in the world of mobile apps - Android system, with its Google Play Store, and iOS with its App Store. If you want to have an app built, you need to ask yourself a question: on which platform? You may of course build apps for both but building them will cost you twice as much money and time. Are you sure your app will be a success? If yes, go ahead and invest! If not you might lose twice the amount. Which one should you choose then?

Which mobile application platform should I choose?

According to the newest statistics, there are over 2.8 million mobile apps in the Google Play Store and 1.9 million in the App Store. Therefore, the choice of a specific mobile operating system is seemingly simple. But it may not be as straightforward. In choosing the right platform for mobile application development you need to take into consideration some important factors. The most important are: your target clients, revenue, development costs, and app features.

Geographic location

Most of the population chooses Android as their mobile phone system and therefore apps provider. Still, there are areas where you would not want to release an app on this platform.

Android is more common because most mobile devices with that system are simply cheaper than iPhones. This affects the population. The areas with a population having lower income usually go for Android devices as they simply cannot afford iPhones. These are mostly the developing countries in Asia, South America, and Africa.

Releasing an iOS native app would not have much sense in these countries.


While Android mobile applications are mostly free, iPhone releases many apps that are not. That is because Android native apps rely on ads. Surprisingly, it is iOS that generates more revenue. Also, iOS users more often make in-app purchases.

What is the takeaway? If you wish to make a profit from your app (who would not!) it is probably best to release it on iOS first.


Realistically speaking, money is among the top factors affecting releasing an app. The app economy is relentless. So is iOS, which has an advantage here as well.

Android apps take more resources to get built as the codes required for building such apps are significantly larger. Android apps also may cost more further down the road as they are not compatible with as many devices as iOS is.

Cost is also influenced by the number and the type of features you want your app to have.


Advanced features mean higher cost, of course, but let's think about it as an investment. Would you rather pay less and not have the features you would like your app to have? Or would you pay more and have the full set? We strongly advise the latter. Even if your MVP will not have all features straight away, you will want to have the possibility to add them in the future.

Business strategy is your gate to the development of a successful app

When you have already decided what platform you will build your mobile app on, it is time to look at the business aspect. After all, you do not want to wonder whether the app will sell after you release it. This is one of the types of things we think about before we start any business. You need a business strategy. A good business strategy consists of many points but the key ones you cannot forget about are:

  • Market research
  • Budgeting
  • Marketing strategy

For more information about setting up a business, find out how to start a business from scratch.

How to come up with an idea for mobile apps and software?

This might be the hardest part of mobile app development. It may even be the hardest part of the development of all products and technologies. It is a broad topic that touches on the idea of the MAYA rule.

Today, we will not give you any additional how-tos. However, we will list 5 main types of ideas for application software that we think users will love in 2023.

#1 idea for app creation: dog walking app

The research shows that the number of pets in European and American households has grown in recent years. However, most of us operate on busy schedules and have little time to take care of our dogs properly. Where skipping walks is not an option, we need to delegate.

Dog walking apps seem like a good alternative to pet care companies' services. Such pet care software would be based on the principle that dog owners would choose the best dog walkers for their beloved pets. Smart, simple, and responsive to the market demand.

#2 idea for app creation: I am rich

It is 2008. A brand-new app, called 'I am rich' is released. It costs $999.99, the maximum price an app can cost. What does this expensive app do? Nothing. It only contains a 43-character-long affirmation of the state of... being rich. The app gets prohibited by the App Store within three days.

The app did not do anything, it was not cheap, and it was only active for 3 days. How was that a good app idea, you may ask? It earned almost $8 000 within 3 days.

This might not be a specific app idea but rather an example of an outside-the-box way of thinking. Such a way of thinking often leads to the creation of huge business hits. And this is also something that can, and usually makes a great app idea.

#3 idea for app creation: an environmental app

Global warming is raving and governments use the circumstances to encourage people to change their habits. Even though the Earth's destruction seems to be inevitable, many people like to act against it. This theme is viral, so you'd better be quick before someone snatches your idea!

#4 idea for app creation: app helping the impaired/disabled

It is astonishing how few good apps are out there for people with disabilities. It is a niche, however, if your idea is unique in this area, you might end up creating the most popular app for the disabled in the world. At the moment, there is very little competition.

#5 idea for app creation: app for ideas

You could say there are many of them, but how many are anything else than just the notes app? Creating a comprehensive platform that captures ideas, links them together, suggests extra ideas, boosts creativity and perhaps creates plans of action to implement the ideas in real life... we will just stop here, otherwise, we might have to start putting together a Copyright Licence Agreement.

Tech stack and its importance in developing mobile applications

There is one more area worth mentioning when we are on the topic of app creation - the tech stack. By definition, it is simply the combination of tools, programming languages, and frameworks used by software developers in the creation of mobile apps. These form 'a stack' of technologies, as the apps are formed of layers of various components and guarantee the app's overall functionality. 

Get in touch to find out more

If you have more questions regarding apps, their creation, and development, feel free to email us. We will be more than happy to answer all the questions you might have regarding:

  • mobile app development: hybrid apps, native and web apps
  • native app management
  • software application technology

We are professionals in creating web applications and apps for any mobile device. If you choose our service, we can develop a product tailored to your needs. It does not matter if you need a native app, hybrid app, or web app. We can build them all. Contact us today to discuss the terms of our cooperation.


If you would like to know more about software development or you would like to cooperate with software house like us, contact us now for more details


Łukasz Pawłowski

CEO of Sailing Byte

I am running Sailing Byte - a Software House that focuses on Laravel and React, but doesn't constrain to it; we have also done projects using C#, Unity, Flutter, SwiftUI and other. My role is to organize and deliver software using Agile methods - by providing experience and technical knowledge and proper set of tools to cooperate with our clients.

During our journey I have met all kind of great people, who also took part in our success - both our clients and business partners who are part of our success and who also helped us to elevate Sailing Byte as polish software house, that is providing quality development not only in eastern Europe, but also UK and USA.

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