How to effectively inform Sailing Byte's support on issues and requests?


We really want to help You resolve every problem (small one or critical one) that will inevitably happen during our cooperation. All we need is just clear and fast communication ONLY via channels specified by us directly to your project/website.

Remember that we are considering only two ways of contact in case of support tasks:

  1. A) Use your dedicated support email to inform about critical issues. 
  2. B) Create Asana task (or another dedicated tool like Mantis etc.) to inform us about non-critical issues. 

Those support issues have to be:

  1.  clear in definition what is needed to be done;
  2.  each one of such tasks can’t take not less than 30 minutes and not more than 2 work business hours;
  3.  there could be only one assigned support task at one time;

If support issue is added as an task in Asana (or Mantis etc.) please tag it with high, medium or low priority using following definitions: 

  1. High Priority = “please do it as soon as possible (even if it may be priced as overtime)“; 
  2. Medium Priority = “would be good to have on this day, but won’t be a problem if it waits a day or over the weekend” ;
  3. Low priority = ” you can resolve that issue in 2 weeks and that won’t hurt";



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