What does each element of SLA Micro mean?

Your monthly summary may contain multiple items inside "SLA Micro" section. Here is what do they mean.

CMS update and CMS free plugins verification and updates

Once per month CMS system and all its plugins are updated. 

In this section we are indicating if your CMS system and plugins were updated. It is important to keep up to date systems because of multiple reasons, of which at least two are critical:

  1. Updates to new systems contain security fixes. If you would like to avoid being hacked, updating plugins and CMS is very first step to improve security.
  2. Systems that are not update on regular basis are creating over time "technological debt". It means, that unmanaged system are getting old over time and the longer period of time without updates, the harder it is to update given system. At some point it may be better to trash old system and create everything from scratch.

In SLA Micro package we are only updating free parts of the system. For updating paid plugins you should check higher packages.

Google Analytics verification and installation

Contractor will provide Client with installation and verification of Google Analitycs plug in for website.

Google Analytics is one of the tools to analyze traffic on your website. It allows you to check who are your visitors, how they are getting on your website and thus helps you to create better targeted ads.
In SLA Micro package we are checking if Google Analytics is installed and if it is properly tracking traffic. If not, we are installing script. Google Analytics can be optimized and monitored, but that's offered in higher packages.

Google Tags verification and installation

Contractor will provide Client with installation and verification of Google Tags plug in for website.

Google Tags is one of the tools to analyze traffic on your website. It allows you to track behavior of your users and verify if funnels that you have created for marketing purposes are working properly.

In SLA Micro package we are checking if Google Tags is installed and if it is properly tracking traffic. If not, we are installing script. Google Tags can be optimized and monitored, but that's offered in higher packages.

File Manager upload verification 

Contractor will provide Client with verification of upload through file manager on website.

File Manager allows you to edit, delete, upload, download, zip, copy & paste files and folders directly from the Admin Panel of your website.

In SLA Micro package we are checking if File Manager is installed and if it is properly working. If not, we are installing it

File robots.txt verification and installation

Contractor will provide Client with installation and verification of robots.txt for website.

This file is telling search engines what should they do and how should they crawl the website. If there is present sitemap, then it can be indicated in here too. Essentially it makes easier for search engines (for example Google) to properly craw through your website and in result show higher in results.

In SLA Micro package we are just checking if robots.txt file exists and we're creating this file, if it does not. For robots.txt file optimization you should check higher packages.

File sitemap.xml verification and installation

Contractor will provide Client with installation and verification of sitemap.xml for website.

Sitemap.xml file contains all the subpages, that you would like to have indexed by search engines. It also contains information how often each page is checked. It is espicially important, if you are writing blog articles, because it makes you sure, that Google is searching through your page on regular basis, whenever new article appears on your website. Also you can indicate importance of each page.

In SLA Micro package we are just checking if sitemap.xml file exists and we are creating this file, if it does not. For optimization of sitemap.xml file you should check higher packages.

SSL verification and instalation

Contractor will provide Client with installation and verification of SSL for website.

SSL(Secure Sockets Layer) certificate it's a most common protocol that is used to transcript all data transfer between your website and for example web browsers. 

In SLA Micro package we are checking if SSL is installed and if it is properly working. If not, we are installing SSLWe can make and additional check to force SSL protocol on your website but that's offered in higher SLA packages.


If you would like to know more about startup software development or you would like to cooperate with software house like us, contact us now for more details


Łukasz Pawłowski

CEO of Sailing Byte

I am running Sailing Byte - a Software House that focuses on Laravel and React, but doesn't constrain to it; we have also done projects using C#, Unity, Flutter, SwiftUI and other. My role is to organize and deliver software while using Agile - by providing experience, knowledge and proper set of tools to cooperate with our clients. During this journey I have met all kind of great people, who also took part in elevating Sailing Byte as polish Software House, that is providing quality development in Europe, UK and USA.

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